About Us

Our History

The Ethiopian Community Association of Charlotte & Surrounding Areas, Inc. (ECAC), is a non-profit (501) (c) (3) community-based organization established in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 14, 1998. The Association is committed to serving the growing Ethiopian population of the greater Charlotte area to empower and enable individuals to successfully integrate and pursue their dreams in their new country and become contributing members of society. Additionally, we aim to connect the larger community with Ethiopians and Ethiopian culture and contribution.


የበሻርለትና አካባቢው የኢትዮጵያ ኮሚዩኒቲ ማኅበር አትራፊ ሳይሆን፤ የበጎ አድራጎት ተግባርን ዓላማው በማድረግ በሻርለት ኖርዝ ካሮላይና (501)(C)(3) ሕግን መሰረት በማድረግ መስከረም 4 ቀን 1991 ዓም ተመሰረተ። በአካባቢው ቁጥራቸው እየጨመረና በማደግ ላይ ያለውን ኢትዮጵያውያን፤ የኮሚዩኒቲው ማኅበር አቅሙ የፈቀደውን ያህል ሁሉ በማድረግ፤ መጤዎችን ማላመድ፤ ህልምና ፍላጎታቸው ተሳክቶ በአጠቃላይ በማህበረ-ሰቡ ድርሻቸውን እንድያበርክቱና ልዩና ድንቅ የሆነውን ባህልና ማንነታቸው ቀጣይና ተሻጋሪ  እንዲሆን ማድረግ።



ማኅበሩ ማንኛውንም ኢትዮጵያዊ በሃይማኖት፤ በዘር፤ በፖለቲካዊ አመለካከት፤ በጾታ፤ ልዩነት ሳያደርግ በኮሚዩኒቲው፤ በስፋትም በአሜሪካ በሁሉም ዘርፍ ተጠቃሚና ተገልጋይ እንዲሆኑ ማገዝ። ኢትዮጵያውያኑና አሜሪካዊ-ኢትዮጵያውያኑ ጥንታዊ ባህላቸውንና ታሪካቸውን እንዲጠብቁና ከሌሎችም ጋር እንዲጋሩ ማበረታታት፣ ማገዝ።


Maintain a cohesive and cooperative Ethiopian community in the greater Charlotte-Mecklenburg area, preserving our rich Ethiopian heritage, where all members of the community are thriving and successful in their pursuits of their dreams while providing mutual support and assistance to each other.


አባላቱ መሃከል እርስ በርስ በመረዳዳትና በመተጋገዝ ህልምና ፍላጎታቸውን እንዲያሳኩ ሁኔታዎችን ማመቻቸት።


Guiding us in our mission are our core values:

    • Focus on the critical needs of our community,  especially in education, employment, housing and healthcare services by establishing close partnership with schools, governmental agencies, employment agencies, and healthcare providers;
    • Develop targeted programs and events to address the needs of new immigrants who are in need of special medical and educational assistance to become functional and remain self-reliant;
    • Encourage the younger generation, especially first-    generation Ethiopian-Americans to preserve the rich history, language and culture in the American context.
  • Promote positive images of Ethiopia and Ethiopians in the larger community


የኮሚኒቲውን ዓላማ መጠበቅና ማስጠበቅ መገለጫችን ነው።

  • ለኮሚዩኒቲው ዋና በሆኑ ፍላጎቶቹ ላይ ማተኮር፤ በተለይም በትምህርት፤ በሥራ፤ በመኖሪያ ወይም መጠለያ፤ እና የጤና ጥበቃ ሲሆኑ ለተፈጻሚነቱ ከመንግሥት ወኪሎች፤ ከትምህርት ክፍል፤ ከጤና አገልግሎት ሰጭ ድርጅቶች፤ የሥራ አስቀጣሪና አፈላላጊ ድርጅቶች በመተጋርዝና በመተባበር እንሰራለን
  • አዲስ የሚመጡ ስደተኞችን ያማከለ የአሰራር ልምዶችን በማዳበር እራሳቸውን እስኪችሉ የጤና፤ የትምህርት የመጠለያ ችግርን ለመቅረፍ መጣር።
  • ወጣቱን ትውልድ ኢትዮጵያዊ ማንነቱና ታሪኩን እንዲጠብቅ ማገዝና ማበረታታት።
  • የኢትዮጵያን ገጽታ በምንኖርበት አካባቤ መወከልና ማጉላት።

Who We Serve

As a non-profit organization established to provide support services to Ethiopian immigrants in the greater Charlotte-Mecklenburg area, ECAC has been a highly valuable resource that has served many members of the community in a variety of ways.

These have included information sharing and awareness on a critical topics such as employment opportunities and job training; housing and home ownership; educational opportunities for children and youth and social services. In addition, we have provided valuable translation and interpretation services, and counseled with health, legal and immigration issues.

During unexpected emergencies and tragedies that resulted in the death of a community member, the Ethiopian Community of Charlotte & Surrounding Areas has been there to mobilize local Ethiopians to pull together funds for funeral and other emergency expenses.

In addition, ECAC promotes social and cultural awareness and active citizenship by organizing social events and celebrations, such as Ethiopian New Year, bringing together both people of Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian background in the local community.


እንደማንኝውም ምግባረ ሰናይ ድርጅት የኮሚዩኒቲው ማኅበር አገልግሎቱ ኢትዮጵያውያንን ያማከለ ሲሆን ሰባዊ በሆነ አገልግሎት ለማንምና ለሁሉም ነው።.

እነዚህም  አስፈላጊ መረጃ መለዋወጥ፤ ክፍት የሥራ ቦታና የሥራ ስልጠና፤ ቤት መግዛትና መጠለያ ማግኘት፤ ለታዳጊ ወጣቶችና በአጠቃላይ ለልጆች የትምህርት እድልን ማሳካት፤ የትርጉም አገልግሎት ማቅረብ፤ ኢሚግሪሽንን ባስመለከተና ማህብራዊ አገልግሎትን ማመቻቸት።

ከየግለሰቡ አቅምና ችሎታ በላይ የሆኑ ችግሮች ሲከሰቱ፤ ሞት፤መታመም፤ ጥቃት የመሳሰሉት ላይ ማኅበሩ  ማህበረ ሰቡን በማስተባበር ችገሩን ያስተናግዳል።

የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባህላትን አዲስ ዓመት፤ የድል ወይም የነጻነት ቀንና በመሳሰሉት አባላትን በማሳተፍ ለተተኪው ትውልድ ማንነቱን ማሳየትና ለአካባቢው ነዋሪም የኢትዮጵያ ገጽታ እንዲጎላ ማድረግ።


The governing bylaws of ECAC were revised and rewritten in 2017. The bylaws articulate the mission of the organization and our governance structure, including the Board of Directors and committees.

የመተዳደሪያ ደንብ

የማኅበሩ የመተዳደሪያ ደንብ እ.ኤ.አ. በ2017 ዓ.ም. ተሻሽሎ ቀርቧል። የመተዳደሪያ ደንቡ የማኅበሩን ዓላማ፣ መዋቅሩና አመራሩን በዝርዝርና በግልጽ ያቀርባል።


 Chair Ato Naod Sergew
Vice Chair  Wzo. Lily Endrias
 Secretary Ato Johnathan Temesgen
 Treasurer Wzt Maheder Demissie
 Public Relations Officers Wzt Rebka Berhane

Ato Hedego Gebremedhin

 At-Large Members:
  • Wzo Zemen Adane
  • Ato Desta Woldemichael
  • Wzt Mita Damte
  • Ato Adane Azage
  • Ato Robel Mamo
  • TBD
  • Dr. Tekle Ayano
  • Ato Asfaw Alemayehu
  • Ato Haile Woldegebriel
  • Ato Fekadu Birega
  • Wzo Meaza Hailegiorgis
  • Ato Mesfin Tekle
  • Wzo Genet Beri

We honor the vision, commitment and sacrifice of our founding members, who stood up and established a lasting legacy of service to our community

Bylaws of The Ethiopian Community Association of Charlotte & Surrounding Areas

Bylaws of The Ethiopian Community Association of Charlotte & Surrounding Areas